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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

About Carnegie Mellon University in Rwanda

Why is CMU establishing an academic program in Rwanda?

In October 2007, the Connect Africa Summit was held in Rwanda and attended by several African heads of state, the president of the African Development Bank, the secretary general of the International Telecommunications Union, and the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT led by the chairman of Intel. During this summit, they recommended the establishment of five Centers of Excellence (CoEs) in Africa that would support the development of a critical mass of information and communications technology (ICT) skills required to achieve a knowledge-based economy. This network of CoEs would be strategically placed in each sub-region of Africa to serve the respective communities. Rwanda is spearheading the initiative for the East Africa region.

In order to fulfill this ambitious goal, the Government of Rwanda (GoR) has strategically targeted Carnegie Mellon University, a world leader in higher education. CMU's College of Engineering regularly ranks among the top of its peers in the nation and the world for engineering education and research. CMU has been ranked sixth in graduate engineering by the latest U.S. News & World Report and sixth in the world for engineering and technology by the London Times Higher Education.

Why Rwanda?

In 2007, Rwanda was named East Africa's leading ICT nation by the UN. Rwanda's national strategy is to become a knowledge-based economy by 2020. They recently made heavy investment in technology infrastructure and are now prioritizing the development of ICT skills in their national education agenda.

CMU strives to be a catalyst in transforming the ICT industry in Rwanda and East Africa at-large by developing new models of education, research and development, and the commercialization of ICT in a region booming with opportunities in technology innovation.

What will CMU-R deliver?

CMU will establish and operate Carnegie Mellon University in Rwanda (CMU-R) based in Kigali as a degree-granting program of CMU. CMU-R will award the following CMU degrees: Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) and Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSECE). The MSIT will be the first degree delivered.

What other functions will CMU-R support?

CMU-R will operate in coordination with the Rwanda Development Board, Rwanda's Ministry of ICT and Ministry of Education to assure consistency with the country's Nation Information and Communication Infrastructure Plan, as well as the National Skills Development Program. Together we will develop an innovation incubator, an advanced practical training program, an executive education program and a mobility research center.

Who will operate CMU-R?

CMU-R will be operated under the direction and control of CMU for the purpose of providing qualified students with graduate education. CMU will have full operational control of the establishment and operation of CMU-R, with complete academic autonomy and adherence to CMU quality standards. CMU will have all final decision-making authority regarding the selection, employment and supervision of academic and administrative staff. CMU will establish and implement student admissions policies and deliver a curriculum and degree program according to CMU policies, core values and principles, including those relating to individual and academic freedom, and non-discrimination, observed at the main campus. 

How will the education at CMU-R compare with CMU on the main campus?

CMU-R will adhere to the same quality standards used for education at CMU's main campus in the U.S. and that have made the reputation of CMU as a global thought leader with excellence in education and research. Course credits earned at CMU-R will be fully transferable to CMU's main campus and vice-versa. 

Academics recruited by CMU-R will be required to spend one year at CMU's main campus prior to their coming to CMU-R to ensure that they transfer the CMU "DNA" to the new university in Rwanda. While on the main campus, they will be able to interact with CMU faculty, participate in instruction (either as observers or teachers or both) and also get involved in research. All of these activities will build strong relationships between the CMU-R faculty and their peers at CMU.

CMU-R will deliver programs that are built upon a foundation of problem-solving based learning and interdisciplinary education similar to those delivered at CMU's main campus. While the content of the courses will be same, its application will be adapted to solving regional problems and addressing local culture and needs.

Who can apply to CMU-R?

CMU-R will recruit and admit students in accordance with the standards and policies applied to applicants at CMU. While CMU-R is open to students from all countries, it will primarily target students from the East African community and among the applicants qualified under CMU standards for admission, admissions preference will be given to Rwandan citizens. 

What are the requirements for students to be admitted at CMU-R?

Students at CMU-R will have to meet the same standards of admission as at CMU's main campus in Pittsburgh and will be enrolled as CMU students. Students may also be admitted to the program at CMU-R as transfer students provided they have completed acceptable coursework at an accredited U.S. or other comparable institution, and meet CMU-R standards for admission.

What will be the course requirements for the students?

The curriculum consists of the following main components: the core courses, program courses, electives, a master's practicum and an internship.

The core courses establish the necessary background and a common competence level, the program courses allow students to specialize and the elective units give students flexibility and breadth in their coursework.

The internship will take place in enterprises located in Rwanda or neighboring countries.

Finally, the capstone experience is the project practicum, which requires students to apply their knowledge and skills to solve a real-world problem from the region.

In what language will the program be conducted?

Instruction at CMU-R will be coeducational and conducted in the English language.

When will CMU-R's academic program start?

The current plan is to open the academic program in August of 2012.

How many students will be enrolled?

CMU-R's objective is to enroll approximately 40 incoming students in the initial class in 2012, growing to approximately 150 incoming students by 2017. 

Where will CMU-R be located?

While waiting for the construction of the campus, the GoR allocated the 4th floor of Telecom House in Kigali to CMU-R as a temporary facility. The new campus will be built in the Bumbogo neighborhood near the new Free Trade Zone. Construction of the new campus is being funded by the African Development Bank and is expected to take two to three years.

Source: CMU
By: Valens

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